2023 Budget

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Consultation has concluded

2023 Proposed Capital and Operating Budget

Central to establishing Milton as a Place of Possibility are the investments made in infrastructure to support the municipal services provided to the public, as well as the funding to deliver services such as firefighting, snow clearing, maintenance of roads, and parks, transit, recreation, and library.

The Capital and Operating Budget provides for the investments to be made in the community and is a reflection of Council’s strategic vision for the Town as outlined in the Council-Staff Workplan. Detailed studies and planning exercises undertaken by the Town, in line with the overall strategic vision, include various fiscal impact analyses, master plans, condition assessments, the Development Charge Background Study and the Town’s Asset Management Plan. These plans and studies, which can be found through the Town of Milton Council Reports, form the framework for investment in the community.

The annual budget process provides an avenue to prioritize and balance the allocation of available resources to achieve the various priorities and ultimately deliver services to the community.

The Budget Call report to Council was delivered on Sept. 12. This report provided Council direction on the Proposed 2023 Capital and Operating Budget. Council received a report from staff on Dec. 12 and will deliberate the budget at their Jan. 23 meeting.

The Town of Milton is seeking your input in prioritizing services and investments for the coming year. The comments you submit will be considered by Council and staff in the budget process.

Get involved

Members of the public are encouraged to get involved in the budget process by:

2023 Proposed Capital and Operating Budget

Central to establishing Milton as a Place of Possibility are the investments made in infrastructure to support the municipal services provided to the public, as well as the funding to deliver services such as firefighting, snow clearing, maintenance of roads, and parks, transit, recreation, and library.

The Capital and Operating Budget provides for the investments to be made in the community and is a reflection of Council’s strategic vision for the Town as outlined in the Council-Staff Workplan. Detailed studies and planning exercises undertaken by the Town, in line with the overall strategic vision, include various fiscal impact analyses, master plans, condition assessments, the Development Charge Background Study and the Town’s Asset Management Plan. These plans and studies, which can be found through the Town of Milton Council Reports, form the framework for investment in the community.

The annual budget process provides an avenue to prioritize and balance the allocation of available resources to achieve the various priorities and ultimately deliver services to the community.

The Budget Call report to Council was delivered on Sept. 12. This report provided Council direction on the Proposed 2023 Capital and Operating Budget. Council received a report from staff on Dec. 12 and will deliberate the budget at their Jan. 23 meeting.

The Town of Milton is seeking your input in prioritizing services and investments for the coming year. The comments you submit will be considered by Council and staff in the budget process.

Get involved

Members of the public are encouraged to get involved in the budget process by: