Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study

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Consultation has concluded

Milton undertook a Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study to gain a better understanding of the elements and qualities that contribute to neighbourhood character. The study assessed whether the policies of the Official Plan and the regulatory framework of the Town’s Zoning By-law are effective in managing development and maintaining the character of mature neighbourhoods. The study informed improvements to these policies and other tools.

The Town of Milton has engaged the community about this study through walking tours, open houses and online surveys.

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Project status - Study is Complete

On Feb. 7, 2022 Council enacted By-law No. 007-2022, which introduces new standards that apply to new development in the form of new housing, replacement housing, and additions and alterations to existing houses in the Dorset Park and Timberlea neighbourhoods. For the complete amendment, view the Council report.

Notice of Passing: Zoning By-law Amendment for Mature Neighbourhoods Study

Phase one

Phase one is now complete and includes the low-density residential neighbourhoods within the Downtown Character Area and the residential properties fronting onto Martin Street. The approved Zoning By-law Amendment (By-law No. 081-2020) introduces new standards that apply to low-density residential development in the Downtown Character Area. For the full amendment, view the Council report (DS-043-20).

Phase two

We sought feedback on the proposed Zoning By-law amendment for the Mountainview neighbourhood and the residential section of Old Milton located outside of the Downtown Character Area and west of Ontario Street North and South. The community used the Let's Talk Milton mapping tool to provide feedback. Engagement closed on July 12, 2021.

The approved Zoning By-law Amendment (By-law 077-2021) introduces new standards that apply to these mature neighbourhood areas. For the complete amendment, view the Council report.

Phase three

Phase three, which includes the Fallingbrook, Forrest Grove, Bronte Meadows, Valley View, Dorset Park and Timberlea neighbourhoods, is now complete.

Staff sought the community’s input on the proposed Zoning By-law amendment for the Dorset Park and Timberlea neighbourhoods. A statutory public meeting for the proposed Zoning By-law amendment was held on Dec. 13, 2021. For details, view the Council report.

On Feb. 7, 2022 Council enacted By-law No. 007-2022, introducing new standards that apply to the residential low density areas in the Dorset Park and Timberlea neighbourhoods. For the complete amendment, view the Council report.

Milton undertook a Mature Neighbourhoods Character Study to gain a better understanding of the elements and qualities that contribute to neighbourhood character. The study assessed whether the policies of the Official Plan and the regulatory framework of the Town’s Zoning By-law are effective in managing development and maintaining the character of mature neighbourhoods. The study informed improvements to these policies and other tools.

The Town of Milton has engaged the community about this study through walking tours, open houses and online surveys.

Subscribe for project updates

Project status - Study is Complete

On Feb. 7, 2022 Council enacted By-law No. 007-2022, which introduces new standards that apply to new development in the form of new housing, replacement housing, and additions and alterations to existing houses in the Dorset Park and Timberlea neighbourhoods. For the complete amendment, view the Council report.

Notice of Passing: Zoning By-law Amendment for Mature Neighbourhoods Study

Phase one

Phase one is now complete and includes the low-density residential neighbourhoods within the Downtown Character Area and the residential properties fronting onto Martin Street. The approved Zoning By-law Amendment (By-law No. 081-2020) introduces new standards that apply to low-density residential development in the Downtown Character Area. For the full amendment, view the Council report (DS-043-20).

Phase two

We sought feedback on the proposed Zoning By-law amendment for the Mountainview neighbourhood and the residential section of Old Milton located outside of the Downtown Character Area and west of Ontario Street North and South. The community used the Let's Talk Milton mapping tool to provide feedback. Engagement closed on July 12, 2021.

The approved Zoning By-law Amendment (By-law 077-2021) introduces new standards that apply to these mature neighbourhood areas. For the complete amendment, view the Council report.

Phase three

Phase three, which includes the Fallingbrook, Forrest Grove, Bronte Meadows, Valley View, Dorset Park and Timberlea neighbourhoods, is now complete.

Staff sought the community’s input on the proposed Zoning By-law amendment for the Dorset Park and Timberlea neighbourhoods. A statutory public meeting for the proposed Zoning By-law amendment was held on Dec. 13, 2021. For details, view the Council report.

On Feb. 7, 2022 Council enacted By-law No. 007-2022, introducing new standards that apply to the residential low density areas in the Dorset Park and Timberlea neighbourhoods. For the complete amendment, view the Council report.

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Map your feedback -

almost 3 years

1 Click on the map and it will open in a new page 

2 Find your property to learn which zone you reside in

3. Click on the zone to view proposed changes (more details can be found at the link listed)
4. Leave feedback and comments on the map using the + button to add a pin on the map

5. You will need to create an account to leave your feedback 

This consultation is open until November 25, 2021

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.