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No bus route from Farmstead to high school (Craig Kielburger )


I noticed all buses go to Milton GO station, there is no buses help kids go to high schools.

I live at Farmstead & Louis Saint Laurent. My daughter is going to high school next year to Craig Kielburger Secondary School. 

The reason for this is Craig Kielburger is the only school offers IB program in Milton that my daughter will go, not my home high school Milton District High School.

Because of this, my daughter won't able to come back home by taking Milton Bus after school.

Could you please add this consideration for your future bus planning?


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Consultation has concluded.

Srikanth about 6 years ago
Adequate ability to get to ALL schools in Milton - including, but not limited to Craig Kielburger Secondary School (CKSS) - must be considered "table stakes" and "no-brainer". This is important not just for students, but also for parents, teachers and other members of a school's community. Students & their parents cannot simply rely on school buses and be forced to use private transport. At the same time, it is important to consider cost vs. benefits. Consider the following: 1. Have higher frequency to all schools for 2 hours in the mornings and 2 hours in the afternoon - while also keeping in mind different school start timings for primary vs. secondary schools) 2. Flexible fares (depending on distance) - to achieve fairness and affordability (for students) 3. Smaller size Milton Transit buses Thanks Sri Amudhan
Share Adequate ability to get to ALL schools in Milton - including, but not limited to Craig Kielburger Secondary School (CKSS) - must be considered "table stakes" and "no-brainer". This is important not just for students, but also for parents, teachers and other members of a school's community. Students & their parents cannot simply rely on school buses and be forced to use private transport. At the same time, it is important to consider cost vs. benefits. Consider the following: 1. Have higher frequency to all schools for 2 hours in the mornings and 2 hours in the afternoon - while also keeping in mind different school start timings for primary vs. secondary schools) 2. Flexible fares (depending on distance) - to achieve fairness and affordability (for students) 3. Smaller size Milton Transit buses Thanks Sri Amudhan on Facebook Share Adequate ability to get to ALL schools in Milton - including, but not limited to Craig Kielburger Secondary School (CKSS) - must be considered "table stakes" and "no-brainer". This is important not just for students, but also for parents, teachers and other members of a school's community. Students & their parents cannot simply rely on school buses and be forced to use private transport. At the same time, it is important to consider cost vs. benefits. Consider the following: 1. Have higher frequency to all schools for 2 hours in the mornings and 2 hours in the afternoon - while also keeping in mind different school start timings for primary vs. secondary schools) 2. Flexible fares (depending on distance) - to achieve fairness and affordability (for students) 3. Smaller size Milton Transit buses Thanks Sri Amudhan on Twitter Share Adequate ability to get to ALL schools in Milton - including, but not limited to Craig Kielburger Secondary School (CKSS) - must be considered "table stakes" and "no-brainer". This is important not just for students, but also for parents, teachers and other members of a school's community. Students & their parents cannot simply rely on school buses and be forced to use private transport. At the same time, it is important to consider cost vs. benefits. Consider the following: 1. Have higher frequency to all schools for 2 hours in the mornings and 2 hours in the afternoon - while also keeping in mind different school start timings for primary vs. secondary schools) 2. Flexible fares (depending on distance) - to achieve fairness and affordability (for students) 3. Smaller size Milton Transit buses Thanks Sri Amudhan on Linkedin Email Adequate ability to get to ALL schools in Milton - including, but not limited to Craig Kielburger Secondary School (CKSS) - must be considered "table stakes" and "no-brainer". This is important not just for students, but also for parents, teachers and other members of a school's community. Students & their parents cannot simply rely on school buses and be forced to use private transport. At the same time, it is important to consider cost vs. benefits. Consider the following: 1. Have higher frequency to all schools for 2 hours in the mornings and 2 hours in the afternoon - while also keeping in mind different school start timings for primary vs. secondary schools) 2. Flexible fares (depending on distance) - to achieve fairness and affordability (for students) 3. Smaller size Milton Transit buses Thanks Sri Amudhan link