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'On the Move' Milton Transit Survey

Welcome! The Town has partnered with WSP Canada Group to develop a five year Transit Master Plan, performed in 2018/2019. The plan will review and recommend service improvements, introduce new innovative services and implement advanced technologies to support Milton Transit service growth.

With population growth projected to 228,000 by 2031 Milton Transit is interested in your opinions and ideas about how we currently deliver transit, and in future years as we continue to grow and develop a complete community. Your input will help us serve your needs and those of your fellow residents to reach school, work, play and leisure destinations.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The feedback from the survey will support the development of a draft 2019-2023 plan, which will define service priorities; available for comment at future public input sessions taking place this winter. The final Service Plan will become an integral part of the budget process to set the stage for transit service delivery across the 5 year plan, and beyond.

Milton has set out to build a complete community; fast, efficient and convenient public transit is a key ingredient to achieve this vision. 

Thank you for your contribution!