Agerton Secondary Plan

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The Agerton Secondary Plan and Trafalgar Secondary Plan areas are a part of Milton’s next phase of growth and development. A proposed major transit station is identified within the Agerton Secondary Plan near Derry and Trafalgar roads.

These areas are being planned together to achieve the vision of a transit-supportive corridor with mixed-use intensification. This area is separated from the Town’s existing urban area by the Sixteen Mile Creek valley. This is an opportunity for higher density development and taller buildings that contribute positively to the Town’s overall urban structure.

The secondary plans for these areas will establish a detailed planning and policy framework that will guide future development and building a complete community.

Status update

In July 2022, a statutory public meeting under the Planning Act was held for the Agerton Secondary Plan and a draft was presented for comment.

Review the July 2022 Agerton Secondary Plan Draft

Since 2022, there have been a number of provincial legislation and policy changes that impact the Agerton Secondary Plan. The Town is currently reviewing and updating the draft secondary plan in consideration of the provincial changes as well as any comments received since the public meeting.

An updated draft Agerton Secondary Plan will be available for review and comment, and public information meetings will be held, in 2025.

Community engagement

The Town has held multiple public information centres to present display panels, collect feedback on planning and development concepts and provide study updates. This includes statutory public meetings, under the Planning Act, which took place on Feb. 11, 2019, for the Agerton and Trafalgar secondary plans. Additional public meetings were held for Agerton in January 2019 and July 2022.

Please sign up to be notified about project updates and engagement opportunities.

For more information and plans, when approved, please visit the project web page.

The Agerton Secondary Plan and Trafalgar Secondary Plan areas are a part of Milton’s next phase of growth and development. A proposed major transit station is identified within the Agerton Secondary Plan near Derry and Trafalgar roads.

These areas are being planned together to achieve the vision of a transit-supportive corridor with mixed-use intensification. This area is separated from the Town’s existing urban area by the Sixteen Mile Creek valley. This is an opportunity for higher density development and taller buildings that contribute positively to the Town’s overall urban structure.

The secondary plans for these areas will establish a detailed planning and policy framework that will guide future development and building a complete community.

Status update

In July 2022, a statutory public meeting under the Planning Act was held for the Agerton Secondary Plan and a draft was presented for comment.

Review the July 2022 Agerton Secondary Plan Draft

Since 2022, there have been a number of provincial legislation and policy changes that impact the Agerton Secondary Plan. The Town is currently reviewing and updating the draft secondary plan in consideration of the provincial changes as well as any comments received since the public meeting.

An updated draft Agerton Secondary Plan will be available for review and comment, and public information meetings will be held, in 2025.

Community engagement

The Town has held multiple public information centres to present display panels, collect feedback on planning and development concepts and provide study updates. This includes statutory public meetings, under the Planning Act, which took place on Feb. 11, 2019, for the Agerton and Trafalgar secondary plans. Additional public meetings were held for Agerton in January 2019 and July 2022.

Please sign up to be notified about project updates and engagement opportunities.

For more information and plans, when approved, please visit the project web page.

Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025, 03:49 PM