Municipal Class Environmental Assessment – Louis St. Laurent Avenue (James Snow Parkway to Fifth Line)

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Consultation has concluded

The extension of Louis St. Laurent Avenue, between James Snow Parkway and Fifth Line, is proposed to support growth in the community.

Project Status

The Environmental Study Report has been completed and is available for public review, for a 30 day period, in the Document Library section on this page. We invite you to read the report and email any written comments to Diana Jiona, Manager, Infrastructure & Right of Way, Town of Milton.

About the Study

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study has been completed for the planning and design of the proposed extension of Louis St. Laurent Avenue, from James Snow Parkway to Fifth Line. The Municipal Class EA was carried out in accordance with Phases 3 and 4 of the planning and design process for Schedule C projects, as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class EA document (October 2000, as amended in 2015), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA process were addressed as part of the Milton Derry Green Corporate Business Park Secondary Plan and the Town’s 2018 Transportation Master Plan, which identified the need for an extension of Louis St. Laurent Avenue.

The extension of Louis St. Laurent Avenue, between James Snow Parkway and Fifth Line, is proposed to support growth in the community.

Project Status

The Environmental Study Report has been completed and is available for public review, for a 30 day period, in the Document Library section on this page. We invite you to read the report and email any written comments to Diana Jiona, Manager, Infrastructure & Right of Way, Town of Milton.

About the Study

A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study has been completed for the planning and design of the proposed extension of Louis St. Laurent Avenue, from James Snow Parkway to Fifth Line. The Municipal Class EA was carried out in accordance with Phases 3 and 4 of the planning and design process for Schedule C projects, as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class EA document (October 2000, as amended in 2015), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA process were addressed as part of the Milton Derry Green Corporate Business Park Secondary Plan and the Town’s 2018 Transportation Master Plan, which identified the need for an extension of Louis St. Laurent Avenue.

Consultation has concluded

Thank you for your interest in this study. Consultation is an integral part of the Municipal Class EA process. Local residents and interested members of the public are invited to review and comment on the identification and evaluation of alternatives and the recommended design. You are encouraged to submit questions and comments by Friday, June 26, 2020.   If you have a specific question, please post it here and an answer will be provided to you directly.  Information is being collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

  • Share Greenspace with waterway and pedestrian acess to enclosed areas with mature trees, diverse plant and animal biodiversity, needs to be a priority as new developments are highly scattered and pedestrian parks are disconnected by roads. How will greenspace be integrated into resential and commercial spaces to ensure residents can get around safely on Facebook Share Greenspace with waterway and pedestrian acess to enclosed areas with mature trees, diverse plant and animal biodiversity, needs to be a priority as new developments are highly scattered and pedestrian parks are disconnected by roads. How will greenspace be integrated into resential and commercial spaces to ensure residents can get around safely on Twitter Share Greenspace with waterway and pedestrian acess to enclosed areas with mature trees, diverse plant and animal biodiversity, needs to be a priority as new developments are highly scattered and pedestrian parks are disconnected by roads. How will greenspace be integrated into resential and commercial spaces to ensure residents can get around safely on Linkedin Email Greenspace with waterway and pedestrian acess to enclosed areas with mature trees, diverse plant and animal biodiversity, needs to be a priority as new developments are highly scattered and pedestrian parks are disconnected by roads. How will greenspace be integrated into resential and commercial spaces to ensure residents can get around safely link

    Greenspace with waterway and pedestrian acess to enclosed areas with mature trees, diverse plant and animal biodiversity, needs to be a priority as new developments are highly scattered and pedestrian parks are disconnected by roads. How will greenspace be integrated into resential and commercial spaces to ensure residents can get around safely

    curl whurl asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your interest in this project.  Please see below for the response to the question you've posed:

    Please note that these lands are designated as an “Employment Area” in the Region of Halton Official Plan and as a “Business Park Area” in the Town of Milton Official Plan. Therefore, the proposed business park will consist of predominantly employment and industrial type uses as opposed to residential or commercial uses. However, a master landscape plan is being developed for the entire business park which proposes a comprehensive approach to active transportation, landscape design and integration of amenity areas with wetlands and naturalized areas. Public sidewalks will be provided on both sides of the road along Louis St. Laurent Avenue, Clark Boulevard and James Snow Parkway to facilitate pedestrian movement. The existing multi-use path along Louis St. Laurent will be extended eastward along with the road and sidewalks. Also, the inclusion of on-street bike lanes along Louis St. Laurent and Clark Boulevard is also being explored though the Environmental Assessment and Draft Plan of Subdivision processes. 

    In addition to these public connections, the proponent is also proposing an internal trail system which connects the various buildings within the business park to the public street network. A series of outdoor employee amenity areas are proposed throughout the business park along this internal trail system. Several of these amenity areas are planned to be interface with existing wetland features and naturalized areas throughout the business park. Lastly, the Town is proposing to extend the existing Union Gas Trail sometime in the future from its current terminus on the west side of James Snow Parkway to run further eastward through the Union Gas corridor. This will result in the trail running along the northern edge of the business park and thus create an opportunity to provide a connection to the internal trail system. 

    The master landscape plan is being evaluated through a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment, and Zoning By-law Amendment application for these lands. More information can be found on the Ward 3 Development Applications webpage under ‘Oxford Properties’ here: Any comments or questions on the Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment applications can be sent to

  • Share Milton’s network of roads to rhe east needs to be expanded yesterday! Push LSL to Trafalgar and beyond! Milton is growing faster than its roads are being built. on Facebook Share Milton’s network of roads to rhe east needs to be expanded yesterday! Push LSL to Trafalgar and beyond! Milton is growing faster than its roads are being built. on Twitter Share Milton’s network of roads to rhe east needs to be expanded yesterday! Push LSL to Trafalgar and beyond! Milton is growing faster than its roads are being built. on Linkedin Email Milton’s network of roads to rhe east needs to be expanded yesterday! Push LSL to Trafalgar and beyond! Milton is growing faster than its roads are being built. link

    Milton’s network of roads to rhe east needs to be expanded yesterday! Push LSL to Trafalgar and beyond! Milton is growing faster than its roads are being built.

    UnRequin asked about 4 years ago

    Thank you for your interest in this project.  Please see below for the response to your question:

    The Town completed a Town-wide Transportation Master Plan (TMP) in 2018 to provide a framework for planning a balanced transportation network, including vehicular, walking, cycling and transit, while managing growth over the longer term (i.e., up to 2031 and beyond). To provide sufficient capacity for traffic associated with future growth, the TMP identified the need to widen the existing portion of Louis St. Laurent Avenue, west of James Snow Parkway, from 2 lanes to 4 lanes, as well as the easterly extension of Louis St. Laurent Avenue, from James Snow Parkway to Sixth Line. The Arterial road designation and 4-lane extension of Louis St. Laurent was identified for implementation within the short term (i.e., up to 2021). These types of roadways are primarily intended to serve inter-regional and regional travel demands, accommodate truck traffic, transit services, and high occupancy vehicle (H.O.V.) lanes. Louis St. Laurent Avenue, from Regional Road 25 through the east limit of the Town (i.e., beyond the limits of the study area) was also recommended for designation as a truck route. As specified in the Town’s Engineering and Parks Standards, Arterial roadways with active transportation facilities, a median, appropriate buffers and four through lanes require a 35 m ROW. It should be noted that the construction activities associated with the widening of Louis St. Laurent Avenue (Yates to Fourth Line), from 2 to 4 lanes, including a centre median and urban cross section, began in 2019 and is scheduled for completion in late summer 2020. The widening of Louis St. Laurent Avenue, from two to four lanes between Fourth Line and James Snow Parkway, is currently in the final design stages and is scheduled for construction start in late summer 2020, by the Town.

  • Share Notice states: The proposed Plan of Subdivision consists of 8 development blocks of a variety of shapes and sizes to allow for the future development of light industrial warehouses and office uses, and includes the extension of two municipal road right-of-ways. Questions: 1. Can you please confirm the roadways being expanded? Where will the access to this area be? 2. What attributes would classify as light industrial? Is there confirmation of what business (Warehouse/Education centre) will be in this area? 2. Are there plans to maintain the landscape so these warehouses are visible considering the other side is a residential area? 3. what measures will be in place for the vehicles/trucks accessing the warehouses do not impact current transit time or environment? As a commuter using James Snow, I am concerned my commute time will be impacted and also environmental emissions from these vehicles . on Facebook Share Notice states: The proposed Plan of Subdivision consists of 8 development blocks of a variety of shapes and sizes to allow for the future development of light industrial warehouses and office uses, and includes the extension of two municipal road right-of-ways. Questions: 1. Can you please confirm the roadways being expanded? Where will the access to this area be? 2. What attributes would classify as light industrial? Is there confirmation of what business (Warehouse/Education centre) will be in this area? 2. Are there plans to maintain the landscape so these warehouses are visible considering the other side is a residential area? 3. what measures will be in place for the vehicles/trucks accessing the warehouses do not impact current transit time or environment? As a commuter using James Snow, I am concerned my commute time will be impacted and also environmental emissions from these vehicles . on Twitter Share Notice states: The proposed Plan of Subdivision consists of 8 development blocks of a variety of shapes and sizes to allow for the future development of light industrial warehouses and office uses, and includes the extension of two municipal road right-of-ways. Questions: 1. Can you please confirm the roadways being expanded? Where will the access to this area be? 2. What attributes would classify as light industrial? Is there confirmation of what business (Warehouse/Education centre) will be in this area? 2. Are there plans to maintain the landscape so these warehouses are visible considering the other side is a residential area? 3. what measures will be in place for the vehicles/trucks accessing the warehouses do not impact current transit time or environment? As a commuter using James Snow, I am concerned my commute time will be impacted and also environmental emissions from these vehicles . on Linkedin Email Notice states: The proposed Plan of Subdivision consists of 8 development blocks of a variety of shapes and sizes to allow for the future development of light industrial warehouses and office uses, and includes the extension of two municipal road right-of-ways. Questions: 1. Can you please confirm the roadways being expanded? Where will the access to this area be? 2. What attributes would classify as light industrial? Is there confirmation of what business (Warehouse/Education centre) will be in this area? 2. Are there plans to maintain the landscape so these warehouses are visible considering the other side is a residential area? 3. what measures will be in place for the vehicles/trucks accessing the warehouses do not impact current transit time or environment? As a commuter using James Snow, I am concerned my commute time will be impacted and also environmental emissions from these vehicles . link

    Notice states: The proposed Plan of Subdivision consists of 8 development blocks of a variety of shapes and sizes to allow for the future development of light industrial warehouses and office uses, and includes the extension of two municipal road right-of-ways. Questions: 1. Can you please confirm the roadways being expanded? Where will the access to this area be? 2. What attributes would classify as light industrial? Is there confirmation of what business (Warehouse/Education centre) will be in this area? 2. Are there plans to maintain the landscape so these warehouses are visible considering the other side is a residential area? 3. what measures will be in place for the vehicles/trucks accessing the warehouses do not impact current transit time or environment? As a commuter using James Snow, I am concerned my commute time will be impacted and also environmental emissions from these vehicles .

    adsouza asked over 4 years ago

    Thank you for your interest in the project.  Please see below for the answers to the questions you've posed:

    Question 1: The roadways being extended are Clark Boulevard and Louis St. Laurent Avenue. These roadways will be extended eastward to connect to Fifth Line. The proposed development blocks will primarily be accessed from these two roadway extensions. 

    Question 2: The types of uses proposed are being evaluated througha Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment, and Zoning By-law Amendment application for these lands. More information can be found on the Ward 3 Development Applications webpage under ‘Oxford Properties’ here: Any comments or questions on the Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment applications can be sent to The types of proposed uses include, light industrial uses such as warehousing, logistics, research and development as well as manufacturing, processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging uses where the operations are fully enclosed within a building and with no outside storage. Light industrial uses do not include obnoxious uses. The future businesses that are expected to locate in this business park will predominantly be warehousing and logistics. 

    Question 3: A master landscape plan is being developed for the entire business park which will include generous planting, outdoor amenity areas for employees and a trail system. The master landscaped plan is being evaluated through a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment, and Zoning By-law Amendment application for these lands. More information can be found on the Ward 3 Development Applications webpage under ‘Oxford Properties’ here: Any comments or questions on the Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment applications can be sent to 

    Question 4: A Traffic Impact Study was prepared by the proponent’s transportation engineering consultant which assessed the impact of the proposed business park on the boundary toad network. The study indicates that the proposed development will result in minor impacts to the boundary road network that will be mitigated through minor improvements to road network. The trucks that will be accessing the business park are expected to be same types of trucks found on the Town’s major roadways, the emissions of which are governed under provincial legislation. Please note that that Town of Milton is also evaluating the Traffic Impact and proposed uses through a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment, and Zoning By-law Amendment application for these lands. 

    More information can be found on the Ward 3 Development Applications webpage under ‘Oxford Properties’ here: Any comments or questions on the Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment applications can be sent to

  • Share When new houses on James snow, Britannia and Derry block will come? on Facebook Share When new houses on James snow, Britannia and Derry block will come? on Twitter Share When new houses on James snow, Britannia and Derry block will come? on Linkedin Email When new houses on James snow, Britannia and Derry block will come? link

    When new houses on James snow, Britannia and Derry block will come?

    Gigi asked over 4 years ago

    The Town of Milton currently has multiple development applications under review within this area. More information on the current status of these development applications can be found here: For more information on the timing of a specific development application, please contact the Town of Milton Planning division at

  • Share I would like to know about the plans for expanding/widening the roads, schools and businesses, environment- parks and recreation to absorb the population moving in. on Facebook Share I would like to know about the plans for expanding/widening the roads, schools and businesses, environment- parks and recreation to absorb the population moving in. on Twitter Share I would like to know about the plans for expanding/widening the roads, schools and businesses, environment- parks and recreation to absorb the population moving in. on Linkedin Email I would like to know about the plans for expanding/widening the roads, schools and businesses, environment- parks and recreation to absorb the population moving in. link

    I would like to know about the plans for expanding/widening the roads, schools and businesses, environment- parks and recreation to absorb the population moving in.

    Karinasantiago asked over 4 years ago

    The Town of Milton Official Plan sets the long-term goals and objectives for our community, guides our by-laws and establishes policies for how land should be used to meet the specific needs of the community. The Official Plan contains policies related to land use (including residential housing), and infrastructure such as roads, parks, and schools. More information on the current Official Plan and the Official Plan Review can be found here:


    For more information on the Official Plan, please contact

  • Share Will any sound barriers be erected for the sake of the neighbourhoods west of James Snow Parkway? And does the planning ensure that any healthy, mature trees are kept intact? on Facebook Share Will any sound barriers be erected for the sake of the neighbourhoods west of James Snow Parkway? And does the planning ensure that any healthy, mature trees are kept intact? on Twitter Share Will any sound barriers be erected for the sake of the neighbourhoods west of James Snow Parkway? And does the planning ensure that any healthy, mature trees are kept intact? on Linkedin Email Will any sound barriers be erected for the sake of the neighbourhoods west of James Snow Parkway? And does the planning ensure that any healthy, mature trees are kept intact? link

    Will any sound barriers be erected for the sake of the neighbourhoods west of James Snow Parkway? And does the planning ensure that any healthy, mature trees are kept intact?

    JB asked over 4 years ago

    A noise impact assessment is being undertaken in accordance with the MTO’s Environmental Guide for Noise to determine potential changes in traffic noise in noise sensitive areas, such as residential areas, associated with the proposed extension of the roadway.    The difference between the future ambient sound levels and the future ambient sound levels anticipated in association with the proposed improvements are identified as part of the assessment to determine if noise mitigation measures are required.  If warranted and feasible, noise mitigation measures, such as barriers, will be provided.  The findings of the noise assessment will be documented within the Environmental Study Report, copies of which are anticipated to be available for public review on this website in late summer 2020.


    The Town of Milton has also received a Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan Amendment, and Zoning By-law Amendment application for these lands. More information can be found on the Ward 3 Development Applications webpage under ‘Oxford Properties’ here:


    Staff will be reviewing a variety of topics, including noise and tree protection, through the review of the development applications. As part of the submission, the applicant has provided a Noise and Vibration Study and a Tree Inventory and Preservation Report to the Town for review. Copies of all reports can be found on the application webpage above.  


    Any questions or comments on the Planning Act applications can be provided to All comments will be considered by staff through the review of the applications and will be included in a future technical report to Council.