Related project: Transportation Master Plan Update - Notice of Study Commencement

In 2018, the Town of Milton developed a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to guide investment in all modes of transportation to accommodate the travel needs expected due to the forecasted significant population and economic growth. In March 2023, the Town of Milton retained WSP to prepare the Town’s Transportation Master Plan Update.

The TMP update intends to align transportation policy with Milton’s growth plan and priorities. It will also reflect recent policy directions from the Province of Ontario, which focuses Milton’s future growth on intensification in the built boundary and developing complete communities through Secondary Plan Areas.

In addition, the update will consider the provincial decision on Regional Official Plan Amendment 49 (ROPA 49) and recent urban expansion. There is a need to update municipal plans to be supportive of these policies and development patterns as well as to create a coordinated, integrated multi-modal transportation system that reflects the changes in the development and transportation industry with short, intermediate, and long-term initiatives.

The Town is also in the process of updating the Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan and the Official Plan. The Transportation Master Plan update will be the guide that combines all modes of transportation and identifies strategic improvements for each mode, to achieve a multi-modal future for the Town.

The TMP update will use a two-phase process consistent with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process for Master Plans. The project formally commenced in March 2023, and is anticipated to be completed in the first quarter of 2024. The Town will work with key staff, stakeholders, and members of the public to develop the vision for the future transportation system.

As part of the process, the Town’s team will seek your input on how you travel and how to improve travel. Please visit Let’s Talk Milton ( to learn more about the project and to get involved.

We look forward to working with you on this exciting project! If you have any questions about the Transportation Master Plan update or would like to discuss the project with a study representative, please contact the Town’s project manager using the contact information below.

Heide Schlegl, C.E.T., MITE, Dipl. M.M.
Manager, Traffic
Development Services
150 Mary Street
Milton, ON, L9T 6Z5
905-878-7252 ext. 2506

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