Traffic Calming - Fourth Line

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The Town of Milton is potentially installing speed cushions along Fourth Line between Louis St Laurent Avenue and Derry Road.

Over the last few years, a number of studies were undertaken to assess the need for traffic calming measures on Fourth Line. The results showed that additional measures warranted consideration.

As part of the Town’s Traffic Calming Policy, 51 per cent of residents directly impacted by the traffic calming measure must be in support for the measure to be implemented. In this case, 51 per cent of residents with direct residential frontage along Fourth Line between Louis St Laurent Avenue and Derry Road must be in support.

How you can participate:

Residents living within the neighbourhood or on the affected road are encouraged to watch the virtual presentation of the proposed Fourth Line speed cushions.

After viewing the presentation, residents who have direct frontage on Fourth Line are asked to complete the survey below indicating support or no support of the proposed speed cushions

Comments and survey responses will be accepted until June 28, 2024.

The Town of Milton is potentially installing speed cushions along Fourth Line between Louis St Laurent Avenue and Derry Road.

Over the last few years, a number of studies were undertaken to assess the need for traffic calming measures on Fourth Line. The results showed that additional measures warranted consideration.

As part of the Town’s Traffic Calming Policy, 51 per cent of residents directly impacted by the traffic calming measure must be in support for the measure to be implemented. In this case, 51 per cent of residents with direct residential frontage along Fourth Line between Louis St Laurent Avenue and Derry Road must be in support.

How you can participate:

Residents living within the neighbourhood or on the affected road are encouraged to watch the virtual presentation of the proposed Fourth Line speed cushions.

After viewing the presentation, residents who have direct frontage on Fourth Line are asked to complete the survey below indicating support or no support of the proposed speed cushions

Comments and survey responses will be accepted until June 28, 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 15 Aug 2024, 01:26 PM