Transportation Master Plan Update

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In 2018, the Town of Milton developed a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to guide investment in all modes of transportation to accommodate the travel needs expected due to the forecasted significant population and economic growth. In March 2023, the Town of Milton retained WSP to prepare the Town’s Transportation Master Plan Update.

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Why this TMP update?

The TMP update intends to align transportation policy with Milton’s growth plan and priorities. It will also reflect recent policy directions from the Province of Ontario, which focuses Milton’s future growth on intensification in the built boundary and developing complete communities through Secondary Plan Areas.

Related studies

The Town is also in the process of updating the Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan and the Official Plan. The Transportation Master Plan update will be the guide that combines all modes of transportation and identifies strategic improvements for each mode, to achieve a multi-modal future for the Town.

The role of engagement

As part of the process, the Town’s team will seek your input on how you travel and how to improve travel. Watch for upcoming engagement opportunities..

See the full Notice of Commencement below.

In 2018, the Town of Milton developed a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to guide investment in all modes of transportation to accommodate the travel needs expected due to the forecasted significant population and economic growth. In March 2023, the Town of Milton retained WSP to prepare the Town’s Transportation Master Plan Update.

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Why this TMP update?

The TMP update intends to align transportation policy with Milton’s growth plan and priorities. It will also reflect recent policy directions from the Province of Ontario, which focuses Milton’s future growth on intensification in the built boundary and developing complete communities through Secondary Plan Areas.

Related studies

The Town is also in the process of updating the Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan and the Official Plan. The Transportation Master Plan update will be the guide that combines all modes of transportation and identifies strategic improvements for each mode, to achieve a multi-modal future for the Town.

The role of engagement

As part of the process, the Town’s team will seek your input on how you travel and how to improve travel. Watch for upcoming engagement opportunities..

See the full Notice of Commencement below.

Give feedback on draft recommendations

We invite you to engage online with the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update, which will shape how people and goods move for years to come. 

Please explore a presentation with preliminary recommendations for walking, cycling, transit, and roads improvements. 

Adding your comments below will help us finalize this update to the Transportation Master Plan.

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Downtown should be walkable.
This proposal doesn't even have the ability to bike there without sharing lanes with cars - we should close main street to car traffic, and ensure kids can safely bike there from any direction..

Philip 14 days ago

There is away too much reliance on private automobile ownership in this plan. It's more of the same terrible urban design that Milton is comprised of. Try to imagine anyone moving to Milton and trying to live without a car. There needs to a true transit corridor with light rail, dedicated bus lanes and urban design which is imagined for someone who doesn't own a car. Go back to the drawing board on this.

gddaichan about 1 month ago

This transit plan falls way short of what this town needs. There is nothing in the plan to connect all of the industry being brought in to potential employees, no way to get to work if you work at any of the warehouses unless you drive, then nowhere to park a car at your residence and no public parking available in communities or street parking permits. Its a joke. This is a commuting town, no connection between Milton and Bronte Go which is the only public transit you can take to come home from the City if you work late, planners in this town need to get it together, this 5yr plan is already so far behind what's needed it isn't even funny, its embarrassing for the town of Milton.

Maddenn about 1 month ago

Roadk construction in Milton needs to be monitored properly since construction companies block off lanes unnecessarily causing extra delays on Trafalgar Rd turning left onto Britannia could and did have a turn lane and then they took it away. Also right turn from Britannia to James Snow in construction is NOT helped by advance light when a person going straight blocks it!! put a turn lane to keep traffic moving. also construction people parking in the lanes on James Snow while we have to lose those lanes - park in the field!!!! i want some flow back. why are we not watching what’s going on?????

Kframpton about 2 months ago

Please name side streets around Main library after the late Miltontown official Mario Belvedere who ensured great use of town owned land

Elis 3 months ago

Oveall, the mixed use paths we have (such as the ones along Derry, and Thompson) are good, but they would be a lot better if there were protected crossings for bikes (add bike lights along those roads / disallow right on red, or something)

Philip 4 months ago

The Town needs to ensure that major roads that continue from new warehouse and industrial areas from residential area have a name change. The residential road should be one name, and when the road extends into an industrial or warehouse area, it should have a new name. This will avoid trucks entering residential areas and searching for the "wrong" numbered building. Even better would be to not have residential roads extend directly into warehousing areas. Also, the Town must figure out Thompson Rd. The underpass area is horrendous for traffic and will only get worse.

Rod 4 months ago

More road lanes aren’t helpful because all it will do is encourage people to drive in cars and it won’t stop the issue regarding traffic, especially because more cars means more problems regarding parking and dangerous driving. And the on-road bike lanes would be a good idea if those bike lanes weren’t just painted stripes where people are expected to drive alongside cars speeding. Most bike users have a bad experience driving on the road because the design of those lanes is awful and it doesn’t provide any safety for the cyclists. If this plan is meant to help all users then you have to actually follow ideas that have been proven time and time again to actually work. There’s many cities around the world that find a way to meet the needs of all transportation modes. If Milton wants to improve public transit and bike infrastructure, then it has to push for those things to be safe and accessible.

FzF 4 months ago

- page 12 says that there are existing bike lanes on Wilson and Martin, but neither of these have bike lanes to my knowledge, having biked on them recently.
Also, the Bike lane along Main does not feel safe. The speed cars travel there, and the size of the bike lane are not sufficient.

- page 13 mentions higher density near nodes, we should plan to loosen zoning restrictions near the go station (between Thompson and Wilson, up to woodward is still R1, as well as south until Laurier)

Philip 4 months ago
Page last updated: 03 Oct 2024, 09:55 PM